Manual Testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the test steps.
Automation Testing means using an automation tool to execute your test case suite. The automation software can also enter test data into the System Under Test, compare expected and actual results and generate detailed test reports.
I-Tech System provides Automation Testing for Software Testing which has wide career scope in I.T. industries. Individual attention is given to every student which gains valuable knowledge to every student.
Advanced Automation Testing
2-1/2 months
- Basics of lava
- First application
- Flow control & operators
- Java Class and OOPs
- Arrays, Packages
- Modifiers, Interface
- Exception handling
- Multithreading, package
- What is automation testing
- Advantages of Automation Testing
- How to learn any automation
- Selenium Launch
- Why Selenium and Selenium
- Difference between selenium and other tools
- Types of Automation tools
- Selenium Components
- Launch of selenium Components
- Java in Selenium?
- Selenium WebDriver Launch
- WebDriverVs RC
- Manage and get WebDriver with Eclipse
- Downloading WebDriver Jar files and configuring in eclipse
- Architecture of selenium webdriver
- Selenium Browser Commands
- Selenium NavigationCommands
- Firepath and firebug Add-ons installation
- Inspecting elements in Mozilla, Chrome and IE
- First Program on selenium
- Verify Page title in Selenium Webdriver
- Navigation in selenium
- WebElement Interface
- Radio button and Checkbox in Selenium Webdriver
- Handling AutoSuggestion
- Handling Dropdown List
- Handling File upload using Sikuli/Auto IT/Robot Class/Sendkeys
- Handling Drag and Drop in Selenium
- Handling Mouse Hover, Keyword Events using Action class
- Synchronization using webdriver(Waits)
- How to take a screenshot using selenium
- How to Take Multiple Screenshots
- How to capture Error message using webdriver
- Handling Multiple windows
- Handling Alert Messages.
- Handling IFrames.
- Cross Browsing using selenium and challenges with IE browser
- Wait Commands (Implicit, Explicit, Pageload, Script)
- Complete details of Dynamic XPath in Selenium
- How to download files in Selenium Webdriver
- Assertions and Verifications
- TestNGFrameWork
- Introduction of TestNG
- TestNgvsJunit
- Configure Eclipse with Selenium and TestNG
- New- Installation of TestNG
- TestNg Annotations and its Execution order.
- Grouping the Test Scrpts and run through xml
- Parallel test execution
- Exception verification
- Setting priorities to test
- Dependencies between the test
- Dependencies between the group
- Including and excluding test through the script and by using xml
- Executing only failed test
- ITest Listeners in TestNG
- TestNg Reports and Creating customized report in TestNG
- Capturing screenshots in TestNG
- Parameterization in TestNG-DataProvider
- Dataprovider in TestNG
- parallel Test execution.
- Handling xml File
- TestNG-Maven Integration
- What is Page Object Model
- When and Why to use POM
- Examples to POM
- How to implement POM
- What is PageFactory
- Difference between POM and PageFactory
- POM using Page Factory
- @FinfBy annotation
- @CatcheLookUp annotation
- Test Cases with Page Factory
- Sample Examples for POM.
- Maven Overview
- Maven
- Maven Origins
- What Maven Provide?
- Ant vs Maven
- Maven’s project object model(POM)
- Maven’s Benefits
- Maven Environment SetUp
- Add Maven bin directory location to system path and verify Maven installation
- Importing the maven project into eclipse
- Maven Repositories and its structure
- Building POM.xml to configure Selenium and TestNG
- Building POM.xml to configure Selenium and TestNG
- Dependencies in Maven.
- Maven compiler dependency and Build plugIn
- Creating and executing Maven project through CMD.
- Creating and Execution of .bat files.
- Maven integration with Jenkins
- Jenkins
- What is Continuous Integration
- What is Jenkins and how it helps in CI
- Downloading and installing Jenkins
- Executing simple batch commands
- Scheduling time for test execution.
- Executing Selenium Project builds with ANT
- Build Triggers
- Mailing if build fails
- Configuring/Scheduling Maven Project in Jenkins
- Report generation
- XSLT Report Generation
- Extent Report Generation
- JMeter for Performance testing
- Thread Group
- Sampler
- Listeners
- Reports
- Webdriver configuration
- Database testing